Bulk bags, (also known as big bags) can be used for storing and transporting a variety of products and materials. Whether you are packing chemicals, food, minerals, resin, sand, or any other dry flowable product, a flexible intermediate bulk container is most likely a great option for your business.
The most common method of damming off property is stacking polypropylene sandbags but recently, a better way to protect against floods may have emerged. Not only are FIBCs great for transporting and storing dry flowable products, they are also great for emergency water control and building temporary dams. Let's examine some of the situations that big bags can be used to control floods and build temporary dams as well as determine which bags are made to be used in these situations.
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Using Big Bags for Flood Control
Traditionally, stacking 40-to 60-pound sandbags has been the prefered method for emergency flood control due to their wide availability and the ease-of-use, but using big bags are now a recognized method of controlling flooding and some emergency flooding businesses are now using bulk bags exclusively for flood prevention, controlling flood waters, and even building temporary dams.
Coated bags are made with 100% polypropylene offering the same light, yet extremely strong tear resistant security that traditional sandbags offer, but allow emergency crews to use one bag in place of dozens of traditional sandbags. FIBCs used for flood control also have a coating which is a water resistant, and UV protectant (much like traditional sandbags) that helps protect the bag from breaking down when exposed to ultraviolet rays such as sunlight. FIBC big bags used for flood control/prevention are typically filled with sand, much like traditional sandbags, but can be filled with other substances such as gravel, dirt and other flowable materials
However, bags on their own can’t completely stop water. Because of the small gaps that remain between the two bags, combining the use of bulk bags with a waterproof membrane OR by filling the gaps between the FIBCs with sandbags are two easy ways to complete your watertight barrier.
A New Bulk Bag Flood Barrier Product Emerging
Some emergency sandbag/barrier suppliers are starting to offer a special product that is specifically manufactured for flood barriers. These barriers are comprised of five bags that are connected (sewn together) to offer a watertight barrier. In many cases, these bulk barrier systems are easy to deploy and have two supporting wooden U-Frames that help the bag support itself making filling easier. These flood barrier systems typically measure around 15-ft long by 3-ft wide with an average 40-in height. Each bag has a coated impermeable water side that also offers optimal UV protection. When using these flood barrier systems, sandbags and water-proof membranes are typically not needed.
For more flood control options, be sure to visit our sister company Sandbag Express! With thousands of sandbags and bulk bags in-stock, ready for same-day emergency shipping, they are ready to meet your emergency flood prevention needs!
Thanks for Reading!

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Safety and reliability is our number one priority. Each bag that we sell has a safe working load (SWL) – with the most common being 2,200lbs and 3,000lbs. To make sure the product you’re packing will not exceed the SWL of the bag you’re interested in, you’ll need to know the bulk density of the product you’re packing as well as the cubic foot capacity of the bag.
Click the link below to download our Product Weight Guide and FIBC Volume Calculator to help you determine how much weight a specific bag will hold.