National Bulk Bag Blog

How the Shipping Crunch Is Impacting FIBC Bulk Bag Lead Times, Prices

As supply chain issues continue to impact the world, many industries are feeling the crunch. As part of our commitment to keeping up on the latest industry news, we’re continually examining the FIBC market and lead times, and sharing our findings with you. By doing so, we hope to keep you informed and to help you minimize the impact supply chain issues have on your business.

October 06, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bags

The Different Types of Baler Bags

For decades, the agricultural space has made use of baler bags for a wide range of applications. Over the years, baler bags have undergone significant transformation in order to meet the changing needs of those agricultural users. Baler bags are no longer the simple cloth bags they started as. Instead, baler bags are available in many different materials, with many different types of construction.

September 28, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

6:1, 5:1, and Purchasing Used FIBCs

Organizations looking to reduce storage and transportation costs will likely be excited about the recently growing market for used FIBCs. It has become increasingly popular for companies to sell their bags after their first use, and for other organizations to purchase those bags for their own purposes. The sale of used FIBCs helps the seller recoup some of the original purchase cost, while organizations that purchase used likely save a few dollars.

September 14, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bag Safety

What is National Ag Day? Why is it Important?

Each year in March, the United States celebrates National Ag Day. The holiday is organized by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA), which is a nonprofit organization composed of leaders in the agricultural, food and fiber community. ACA dedicates its efforts to increasing the public's awareness of agriculture's role in modern society.

September 06, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

The Basics of Barcodes

We see barcodes every single day. We see them at the grocery store, we see them at home and on our electronic devices. Industries ranging from food to electronic to small manufacturers use the same system of barcodes to keep their inventories and products organized and easily identifiable. Barcodes are everywhere and they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

August 24, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

Wicketed Bags vs Flat Packed Bags

The rising popularity of facilities automation has led to increased efficiency and safety in manufacturing facilities across the globe. To support facilities automation efforts, many businesses have begun to source packaging that offer useful features and technology that help eliminate slowdowns or bottlenecks during the manufacturing or storage process.

August 18, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

Recent Changes to the Classic Paper Window Bags

Paper window bags are a staple in the agricultural industry. Due to their sturdy paper construction and the window that allows product to be showcased, many retail agricultural operations prefer the paper window bag over any other packaging option.

August 06, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

Using Baffled Bulk Bags at Seed Processing Facilities

The agriculture industry ranks as one of the heaviest users of bulk bags and FIBCs. This is only natural, as the agriculture industry includes countless applications and uses for these types of bags, including storing and transporting produce, grain and other crops. The wide variety of bulk bags available on the market makes them an ideal solution for many of these applications.

Excess Produce Donations? Use Generic Produce Packaging.

As a natural part of their operations, many farmers and food processing facilities find themselves with produce or product at the end of their growing or production season that is unsellable due to its size or appearance. Many of these organizations are extremely generous with excess product and choose to donate their overruns or unsellable stock to charities or food shelters.

July 17, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

How is the Fertilizer Shortage Impacting the Agriculture Industry?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global supply chains are in complete disarray – this isn’t news to anyone. In fact, we’ve covered various supply chain issues in recent blog posts, including the increased demand for raw materials, the rising market and demand for resin, and unparalleled lead times across many industries.

July 07, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

How Facility Automation Can Increase Productivity when Using FIBCs

Using FIBCs in manufacturing, shipping and raw materials facilities is a great way to receive product, move product around the floor and ultimately ship products out of your facility to your customers. However, traditional methods for filling, discharging and transporting FIBCs aren’t always the most efficient – or safe.

June 24, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bags

The Market for Resins is Disrupting FIBC Prices

It’s no secret that global supply chains are currently facing unprecedented strain. It seems like every day we are seeing news about process increases or shortages of key products ranging from lumber and building materials to cars and trucks. The bulk bag industry has not escaped the current supply chain crisis unscathed. FIBC orders are facing significant delays, with lead times longer than any in recent memory. As stock becomes increasingly harder to come by, bulk bag prices have also seen a significant jump.

June 14, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bags

American Companies are Buying Less Carton - Why?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far reaching impact on many industries, with the bulk bag industry being no exception. In past blog posts, we discussed some of the ways the pandemic has impacted our industry, including disruptions to the supply chain, delayed production and shipment times, and more. Another impact from COVID that often goes overlooked is the shift in purchasing trends across the bulk bag and packaging industries.

June 07, 2021

Categories: Produce Packaging

How a $330 Million Agricultural Grant is Impacting the Bag Industry

In April 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a massive $330 million agricultural grant designed to help agricultural producers and supply chain organizations recover from the pandemic. The funds are part of the USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers program that launched in March. Far from being a simple aid package, the grant has far reaching goals – and potential impact. Understanding these goals and their potential impact on the agricultural industry, as well as our own industry, is important to the grant’s long-term success and your own future operational planning.

Raw Materials Demand and Its Impact on the FIBC Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just disrupted your daily routine and kept millions home from work – it has also profoundly impacted global supply chains. In some instances, supply chains around the world have been ground to a halt, creating a scarcity of common products both in the household and within many industries. However, recent issues with scarcity have equally as much to do with demand as they do with more limited supply.

May 17, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bags

2021: The Year of Extended Bulk Bag Lead Times

It’s no secret that 2020 was nothing short of crazy. The COVID-19 pandemic quickly spread across the globe, impacting the lives of almost everyone in the world. Countless industries and businesses faced unforeseen and nearly insurmountable challenges to their daily operations, staff and supply chain. The manufacturing industry was hit particularly hard by the pandemic – material sourcing challenges led to increased lead times, cost increases and other frustrations for organizations focused on the creation of products and goods. As such, many within the manufacturing industry have dubbed 2020[...]

April 20, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bags

Transporting Wet Products with FIBCs

As the FIBC industry continues to expand, more and more use cases are being identified. In fact, it seems like every week we hear about an innovative new use of bulk bags, either for storage or transportation of materials. In addition to new uses for FIBCs, we are also seeing new industries embracing the use of bulk bags, including some that have never used them before.

April 08, 2021

Categories: Bulk Bags

All About Transporting and Shipping FIBCs

FIBCs offer several advantages, including their affordability, versatility, durability and ease of use. One other notable advantage is their ability to be easily moved throughout a facility and loaded onto transport for shipping. They can be stacked, wrapped and even palletized, which is part of the reason they are so popular for such a wide variety of applications.

November 16, 2020

Categories: Bulk Bags

Innovation in the FIBC Industry

The FIBC industry is continually evolving in response to the changing requirements of end users. As the industry evolves, so do the products offered by vendors. At National Bulk Bag, we are continually excited by the new and refined products entering the market. Many of these product innovations offer promising benefits for specific industries and use cases.

November 03, 2020

Categories: Bulk Bags

Using Bulk Bags in the Crum Rubber Industry

As the bulk bag industry continues to expand, so do the number and types of industries taking advantage of the products and innovations offered by vendors. It seems like every day, we are learning about new and exciting uses of the product, especially as they continue to prove their value, flexibility and affordability. One industry that is well positioned to benefit from the innovative solutions offered by manufacturers is crumb rubber. Let’s explore the crumb rubber industry, and how it can benefit from flexible intermediate bulk containers.

October 22, 2020

Categories: Bulk Bag Industries

Download our Product Weight Guide & FIBC Volume Calculator

Product Weight Guide and FIBC Volume Calculator

Download our Product Weight Guide and FIBC Volume Calculator to help you determine how much weight a specific bag will hold.


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